Auditions for "A Shot Glass to Hold" by Alana Merz

March 19 2025

Auditions are Saturday, April 5th from 2-4pm by appointment at OPAL

Come help me tell this story of love versus ego, of growth verses regression, and of hilarity verses profound loss.

Love kind of,

Love definitely,

Love complexly,

Alana Merz (the writer)


Please email to reserve an audition slot and for audition sides. Send all additional questions there as well. All roles are volunteer.

Thank you so much for your interest.


Jack (Lead)- Male, 35 years old, ages up to 38 years old in the movie. The main love interest of Talia, our protagonist. He’s a bartender stuck in the bachelor ways of his youth, depending on hookups to avoid actual romance. His connection with Talia is integral to the soul of story and it rips his world apart. This role requires being shirtless on occasion, kissing/making out with the protagonist, and implied sexual acts. Intimacy coordination will be utilized. Comedic timing is a plus, and a great deal of dynamic range is required for this actor.

- “When you’re hurting all the time, it becomes less noticeable to others.” -Jack.

Leanne (Supporting)- Female, 30ish (flexible), roommate of Jack. She’s somewhat snarky in a charming way and jaded beyond her years. She warns our protagonist against Jack, and, under layers of eyeliner and varying levels of hungover, she’s a genuine voice of reason and rationality that is integral to this story.

-“Wear a condom. You have no idea what he’s got going on down there.” -Leanne.

Man (Supporting)- Male, 30ish (flexible). Picks up our protagonist at the bar. He’s a very wounded almost incel who attempts to corner our protagonist into sleeping with him. This is a tough role to play, and the actor must be willing act out an uncomfortable scene. The role requires kissing and some inappropriate touching (though that is negotiable). Intimacy coordination will be utilized. There is one violent moment where the protagonist elbows him in the nose. We will have a fight choreographer for this.

-“From the way you’re dressed, I can tell you’ve been ran through.” -Man.

Bea (Supporting)- Female or Nonbinary, 25ish, friend of our protagonist. Supportive and kind.

-“Are you free tonight? We must do this tonight. It’s, like, law.” -Bea

Mom (Featured)- Female, 40s-50s. Mother of our protagonist. The two of them have a strong relationship with profound honesty. The mom must have quick comedic timing and a sincere love for our protagonist.

-“You make love enough times, at least one of you is bound to fall into it.” -Mom

Front Desk Lady (Featured)- Female (though gender is flexible with this role), 40s-60s. Secretary of a dental office. Sassy.

Bartender 2 (Featured)- ideally a cool, alternative woman or nonbinary person. 21+.

Man 2 (Featured)- 30ish, Male, catcaller. 2 lines.

Dental assistant 1 & 2 (Featured)- two roles, gender is flexible, each have a few lines. 21+.

Christy, Penelope, and Julia (Featured)- three roles, friends of our Protagonist. Flexible on gender, fem presenting.

Bargoer 1 & Bargoer 2 (Featured)-21+, one line each, can double as background actors

Background actors will be needed for bar scenes and dental scenes.